Top Seller: Make it Happen Now!
Identify dreams and make them come true in the Make it Happen Now! workshop.
"Trust me, you'll learn a lot in Kate's workshop and you'll leave inspired to learn more." -- Graham Coppin, Coach
Uncover your type and discover how it impacts your relationships -- romantic, platonic, and otherwise in Are You My Type?
This class is a "great way to reflect and understand who you are as a person and how that relates to work, love, friendships, and day to day life." -- Blake Suhar, participant

Big Learning: Change Your Story and Change Your Career!
Find out about how you’re getting in the way of your own success in the Change Your Story, Change Your Career workshop.
"Type" Casting: Using Myers-Briggs to Create CharactersExplore ways to apply psychological type in the construction of a character, either as an actor or a writer. Find out more about "Type" Casting here.
See some testimonials from Kate's workshops here.