Thursday, January 13, 2011

Welcome to the Year of Yes! (Well, Ok, the 14 Months of Yes)

Around the first of the year, I decided to make this year different. I was tired of the way things had been going for me -- not externally, since for all intents and purposes 2010 was a banner year -- but internally.

I wanted more adventure and fun in my life. What I really needed was a new Vienna Plan, so I built one. I vowed (to my plants, because they were the only ones around) that I would say yes to more opportunities.* But not just saying yes in any old way, because I've attempted something very similar before in the month doing things differently. I wanted to say yes and to also explore different ways to say yes.

The Year of Yes! (Well, Ok, the 14 Months of Yes) was born out of a coaching exercise I asked one of my clients to try. (This is why being a coach rocks -- I also get the benefit of my clients' sessions!) For the next 14 months, I will practice saying yes to things through the filter of 14 different qualities. [Yeah, ok, so the program was supposed to be a year, but there were so many great qualities I didn't feel right cutting two of them. And since it's my program, it's my rules. So it's the 14 Months of Yes.]

Those qualities are:
January: Generosity, Gratitude, Acceptance, Allowance, Flow
February: Passion, Determination, Fire, Power, Strength, Stretch
March: Air, Space, Wind, Release**
April: Adventure, Thrill, Risk, Aliveness
May: Wisdom, Self-Awareness, Vision, Travel, Movement
June: Grace, Transcendence, Presence, Patience, Honor, Peace
July: Touch, Sensuality, Vitality, Sight
August: Smarts, Ideas for the sake of ideas, Connection, Words, Learning, Mind
September: Creativity, Art, Choice, Creation
October: Fun, Laughter, Play, Joy
November: Connection, Compassion, Love, Wholeheartedness, Openness
December: Novelty, Difference, Spontaneity, Child-Like, Beginner
January: Friendship, Connection
February: Music, Hearing, Harmony

So far it's been fascinating to study generosity. I'm asking friends and family about it, and trying to put it into practice, not just with money but with attention, ideas, and connection.

And the Year of Yes! (Well, Ok, the 14 Months of Yes) (a.k.a., the YOY!(WOTFMOY)) has already taken me two places I wouldn't have gone without having set that intention, and I had a great time at both.

So what's my point? You can do this, too. Pick something you want to change. Maybe it's being more adventurous and fun (like me) or maybe it's something else. Improving a relationship. Developing your business. Handling motherhood. Losing weight. It doesn't matter what the issue is.

Then jot down qualities, characteristics, and values that are important to you. Take a couple of days to gather them. Look at coaching websites, religious texts, this website, and ask friends or family to contribute. Then pick the ones that resonate with you. Group them together (either well or haphazardly) and you're off. Only have 9 qualities? Cool. Do the 9 Months of Yes! Have 36? You've got the Three Years of Yes!

I'll talk more about this in my goal-setting workshop on the 22nd. If you want more info on that or to sign up, click here.

Also, I'm going to be doing a regular conference call about my topic at the end/beginning of each month. Half the call will be about the lessons from the month past, and half the call will be about preparing for the month to come. I'd love your input! (Details will follow.)

So what are you waiting for? Are you ready for a Year of Yes! (Well, Ok, 14 Months of Yes)?

*In return, they vowed to Not Die for another year.

** which, when I look at it like this, looks like March is going to be one big fart. But it's not!

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