Now is as good a time as any to start preparing for next year. To help you do that, I've organized a number of tools that I think you may find useful in pursuing what you want next year.
1. Me
Lest we forget that I am more than just a blogger, I will remind you that I coach, I teach, and I help get people unstuck from wherever they're stuck. I charge $75 a session (which, in this world, is a STEAL) and I've got a lot of happy clients, with always room for one more...
2. Make it Happen Now! Workshop, January 12th and 27th
This is a course I offer every year at the start of the year. It helps you identify what you want, figure out what stands in your way, make a plan to go after what you want, and develop accountability to make sure you stick with your plan. It's $75 for four hours and past participants have repeated the course year after year. Find out more about it here.
3. Notes from the Universe
This is a great site that will send you messages every weekday morning to remind you how wonderful you are and how you fit into the bigger picture of the universe around you. I use them as a springboard for my meditation and to reconnect me with my heart. Here's a sample message:
The one thing all famous authors, world-class athletes, business tycoons,singers, actors, and celebrated achievers in any field have in common, Kate,is that they all began their journeys when they were none of these things.Yet still, they began their journeys.You are so poised for greatness,The Universe
One day, they're going to name something big after you, Kate!Like a statue, a college... or a hurricane.
You can sign up for them at here.
4. Robert Holden's Shift Happens
I've learned a lot from Robert Holden and find him to be one of the warmest, sweetest, and friendliest thinkers out there. I've signed up for his mailing list and, like the Universe, every weekday morning I get a motivating message from him. For example:
Today is a good day for forgiveness. Mind you, forgiveness is not for everyone. It is only for those who would like to experience peace, love, joy, bliss, healing, freedom, total salvation and things like that.
5. Coach Alba
This is a tool from the people at Change Anything that can help you stay on track by receiving texts to help you get through what they call "Crucial Moments." I imagine I might use it at night when I have a tendency to eat mindlessly -- just a quick text from Coach Alba to remind me to be mindful, and all of a sudden I'm brought back to myself. At the moment, it's programmed to best work with people who want to lose weight, though I imagine they'll come up with other iterations of it.
You can find it here.
6. StickK
This is a site I wrote about earlier that provides you with external motivation when your internal motivation starts to lag. Essentially what you do is sign up for a challenge -- losing weight, getting a new job, working on your memoir, writing a new song, whatever -- and then wager with stickK that you will commit to taking action on that goal, or you'll have to pay money, either to a friend, a charity, or an "anti-charity" (a cause you hate). I've used this technique with clients before with really great results, but you can try it for yourself online here.
7. Avoiding Destination Addiction
Just watch this video:
8. My Previous Posts on Goal Setting
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